Wednesday 19 October 2011

A Cup of Tea

Yes I realise this cup actually says "coffee" on it but its contents are tea. Aplogies.

Little in the world is quite as satisfying as a good cup of tea. The Europeans don't get this, nor do our American brethren across the Atlantic either really. Tea drinking seems to be a specifically Irish and British thing.
I blame the weather. As I may have already pointed out, Dublin has been positively Baltic of late and so I've been getting through my days by warming up between classes with a nice hot cup of tea. There's something extremely comforting about the warm milky liquid in your tummy (that in no way was meant to sound dirty by the way). 
The Irish are a great tea drinking nation though, it seems to be the solution to all of life's problems. If you've ever had a death in the family or even been to an Irish wake you'll know what I mean; cups of tea by the bucketful!
I do love tea though, and so today, while on my lunch break in college, I couldn't resist sticking this "Aoife" label on my cup that I'd found left on the table that a previous Aoife had obviously owned. The boy behind the counter looked at me oddly when I went back up to get another cup of tea but asked would he mind just refilling my old cup 'cos it had my name on it. I tried to explain that I wasn't a weirdo but the damage was done. Oh well, just another person to add to the list of people who realise that I'm as normal as you might think!

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

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