Tuesday 25 October 2011

Rain Check

"Rain, rain, go away, come again another day..."
....or not, it would be great if you didn't come again please.

Cold I can deal with, heck even give me snow, but rain, no sir thank you kindly but I'm on a diet. It's just so.......wetting. I wouldn't mind it really apart from the fact that it creates wetness. When things are wet they look dull and dreary and this I do not like. Flooding too isn't exactly the greatest gift rain gives us as Dublin saw yesterday. In case you've been living under a rock of late, Dublin saw the heaviest torrential rain in years yesterday that caused widespread flooding and evacuation across the city; just in case Mondays weren't bad enough already. Me being the eejit I am was of course also wearing a maxi skirt yesterday that would have made junior cert science teachers quiver in excitement with the capilliary action that was going on as the wet spread from the hem of my skirt to about knee high throughout the course of the day. Getting around the city come 6pm was also nigh on impossible as public transport began to shut down due to submerged roads and Dundrum Shopping centre was left in 10inches of rainwater, indoors! 
Yeah the whole thing was pretty "Day After Tomorrow" alright but by lunchtime today the sun was shining and the streets had dried up and the flooding was merely a forgotten facebook group.

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Also, as an aside, new article up on University Times if anyone's interested on Winter Coats- here

Sunday 23 October 2011


I've made a vow this college year that learning MatLab is not going to end up how learning  C++ did (horribly by the way) and I'm going to put extra effort in from the start to know what's going on. 
I'm still a bit weary of it but I think we can be friends. 
So far so good anyways......famous last words...

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Halloween; bring it...

Costume Ideas 2011

Ever since I was small I've loved dressing up. I guess not much has changed cos I'm really just still a kid at heart. I still dance around my kitchen to cheesy music and enjoy making animal noises but so what, who really wants to grow up ay?!
Like most of my oddities, my love for dressing up I'd have to say stems from my mum. Every Halloween without fail we would be witches, and good witches too. I remember one halloween when I was very young and I was hiding in my brother's room for some reason or another and was lying on top of a cabinet (as you do) and had rubbed my face off it. When my mum found me, I think she was more annoyed that I'd ruined my witch's make-up rather than destroying the surface of the cabinet! She never really ever got properly cross at me though. After all, how could you stay mad at a little blonde bear all dressed up and excited for halloween??!!!

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

1 Year On

I'm not usually one for this sentimental crack, so I'm not going to write much. 
Cheers for the past year though dear and thanks for keeping me well fed!

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Wednesday 19 October 2011

A Cup of Tea

Yes I realise this cup actually says "coffee" on it but its contents are tea. Aplogies.

Little in the world is quite as satisfying as a good cup of tea. The Europeans don't get this, nor do our American brethren across the Atlantic either really. Tea drinking seems to be a specifically Irish and British thing.
I blame the weather. As I may have already pointed out, Dublin has been positively Baltic of late and so I've been getting through my days by warming up between classes with a nice hot cup of tea. There's something extremely comforting about the warm milky liquid in your tummy (that in no way was meant to sound dirty by the way). 
The Irish are a great tea drinking nation though, it seems to be the solution to all of life's problems. If you've ever had a death in the family or even been to an Irish wake you'll know what I mean; cups of tea by the bucketful!
I do love tea though, and so today, while on my lunch break in college, I couldn't resist sticking this "Aoife" label on my cup that I'd found left on the table that a previous Aoife had obviously owned. The boy behind the counter looked at me oddly when I went back up to get another cup of tea but asked would he mind just refilling my old cup 'cos it had my name on it. I tried to explain that I wasn't a weirdo but the damage was done. Oh well, just another person to add to the list of people who realise that I'm as normal as you might think!

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Tuesday 18 October 2011

University Times Online

If anyone's in anyway interested, I now have my own section thingy on The University Times website.
Just go to the site, click on the "Staff Writers" tab along the top and then click on my name.
Or you can just click on this link if that all sounds too confusing.

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

image via http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/31597-bigthumbnail.jpg

So, this pseudo summer we were having in September has appeared to have ended and winter has well and truly reared her ugly head. At present I am in bed, shivering with the cold, with six minutes left until I've to start getting ready for my 10am lecture. This a happy bear does not make. To add to this, I have actually been up since a quarter to seven this morning cos I had to walk back to mine from Ballsbridge (where the male resides) in good time to get my stuff for college.
I'm not that good at timing and so even with the 20min/half hour walk I still had time to snuggle up in bed for a bit. I fear I may not get out of bed now though. Only three lectures today; that's a rarity. Maybe I deserve a day off?
Then again, maybe I should just suck it up and go to college. 
First world problems ay?!

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear

Sunday 16 October 2011

View From a Small Window

I can't really see much out the window of my study. It's sunny outside, that much I can tell anyways. I was meant to start lab reports long ago but I find myself distracted by this window. It's really quite mundane out there. All I can really see is a whitewash wall of next door's house  and a bit of roof over our hallway. It ain't got nothing on my view from my window back home. From that window I can see the whole of Sligo's Lough Gill and the Lake Isle of Innisfree made famous for it's hives for honey bees by W.B.Yeates. I get how it inspired him. The view is breathtaking. Not the most handy when you're trying to study mind you. I used to spend hours a day "studying for my leaving cert" just staring out that window.
This window isn't so glamourous, though provides an equal distraction all the same. My view is obscured by venetian blinds but I can see the chimney pots of Dublin in the distance all the same. We don't have blinds in my house at home. They remind me of my granny's old house in Monkstown. She had white plastic ones that I'm sure were very "modern" at the time of installation. My Dad still tells the story of his neighbors the McIntaggarts of Blackhorse Avenue with their multi-coloured Venetian blinds; they were the type of family who today might read the Sun or another paper of that ilk. Some day I'd like to write a book about the McIntaggarts I think. 
The blinds that I'm looking through now are wooden, some kind of plywood but they're nice and from afar they look quite expensive I suppose. It's nice to live in a big house this year and to have a separate study to myself. Last year's house had character but it really was very cramped.
I guess I should stop staring out the window and get cracking with these reports. One's on LabVIEW and the other is on lead creep measurement. 

The joys of mechanical engineering ay?!

Keep on growling,
The Little BLonde Bear

Saturday 15 October 2011

New Beginnings

I don't know why, but I've decided to start a new blog and delete my old one. For the past year or so I've been writing the blog "cooltured.blogspot.com" and I suppose I just thought it was time for a change. I had gotten stuck in a rut and had become too focused on fashion and egocentric outfit posts and well that's just not me so I've started "Little Blonde Bear". Already I'm much happier with it. It will be a place for me to just be me, the silly little blonde bear that I am. 
Nothing pretentious, nothing forced, just me, oh and maybe Klaus too.

Klaus and I.

I hope some of my old followers will come follow me here and that you'll like the change.
I leave you with a pretentious quote from a philosopher cos that's just how I roll;
"Change in all things is sweet."

Keep on growling,
The Little Blonde Bear