Sunday 25 March 2012

This... how I've felt of late. Hence why I haven't been blogging. I apologise. 
With four college presentations this week and three reports due, not to mention my exams looming ever closer, blogging has had to take a back seat. Well, that and the fact I left my camera in Dan's! 

I'll be back on top of things soon don't worry, for now though, sit back and enjoy...

Monday 19 March 2012

Saturday Playlist (on a Monday)

So, it's been awhile since I've done a Saturday playlist, and I know it's Monday guys, but it's a also a Bank Holiday. So sit back and chill and try to forget about that mountain of work that you've been pushing to the back of your mind for pretty much months now. Afterall, there's always tomorrow.


"Divers and Submarines"- Mark Charlton

"Paper Aeroplane"- Angus and Julia Stone

"Good Things"- Aloe Blacc

"No Diggity"- Chet Faker

"Seeds of Night"- The Cave Singers

Happy Monday everyone.

Thursday 15 March 2012

Triple Threat...

...hats, bows and flowers.

shirt- Primark/Penneys
blazer- Forever21
jeans, shoes- Topshop
hat, floral tank top- H&M

Sunday 11 March 2012


dress- Topshop
shirt- Primark/Penneys

So, I haven't blogged in awhile and for that, I am truly sorry. Not that I reckon anyone would have noticed but how and ever, I enjoy keeping this little thing up to date for my own records more so than anyone else's so I guess apologies to myself are in order.
Now that the apologies are dealt with, I suppose an excuse for my absence is needed. To be perfectly honest, time is scarce these days and what little free of it I have I have been trying to spend with neglected friends and family or doing work for college rather than spending it cooped up in my room, taking photos of myself and writing. I do enjoy blogging though and as such, although I wasn't posting, I still managed to snap a few outfit photos this week that I plan to share over the next while. That said, exams are fast looming and this little wannabe engineer needs to get her head down and get to learning, something that I in fact think I'll go do right now.

Happy Sunday everyone!

P.S. I've been asked to do a post about my make-up so I guess you can expect that soon too! 

Thursday 1 March 2012

It Wasn't Me...

Just getting ready to head off to an Engineering Design Challenge i've gotten involved in but I thought I'd share this new tshirt of mine before I left. I found it in the kid's section of River Island, it's boys age 5-6, but I couldn't resist it. Ever since my friend showed me a youtube video of ninja raccoons I've loved them. 
On that note, I leave you with this;

Happy first of March!