Wednesday 9 November 2011

To cut or not to cut...

All images via Google Images

It's gotten to that time again, that time when I get fed up with my hair and I want to get it cut. I used to get this urge to change my hair about every 3 months or so but for the past three years I've been growing my hair and the only thing I've changed about it is going from Platinum blonde to dark red and back to normal blonde, with two weeks of pink ends thrown in for good measure.
Now I want to cut it though. This is a whole other kettle of fish when it comes to hair. Dye you can dye over or wait for it to fade out; once you've cut it off there's nothing you can do but wait for it to grow back. I'm seriously in limbo here. As it is, my hair is horribly boring at the moment in this inbetweeny-just-past-shoulder-length-but-not-quite-long stage. There is no shape to it and most days I end up tying it in a bun atop my head anyways. 
As it stands I have two options, I can wait this out until it grows back to this kind of length;

or I can bite the bullet and cut it short(ish) again;

I really am so betwixed and between. I've been growing it out for so long now that it would seem a shame to cut it but then again does long hair really suit me? 

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated...

P.S. Yeah, that's my natural hair colour in that first photo there. I'm naturally kinda ginger.


  1. I've been having a VERY similar dilemma these last few weeks... I've been asking people... They keep telling me not to... Eeek!

  2. Yeah I think I've decided not to cut mine! At least until my 21st which is in February anyways. I sort of like having longer hair at the moment and I'm curious to see how it'll look if it's a bit longer!
    Short hair just looks so chic though!!!
