Saturday 19 November 2011

Saturday Playlist

I've mentioned before that I'm no music buff, however I like music and to broaden my musical horizons as they say I've decided to undertake a weekly "playlist". I'll try to keep this a Saturday thing but knowing me it could be often late, but I'll do my best. These playlist will consist of songs both old and new that just happen to take my fancy that day/time or whatever. They'll mainly be songs recommended to me by others and where I can I'll try to credit people for their recommendations but sometimes I won't remember who told me about songs so apologies in advance if I don't acknowledge you for something.
Anyways, here goes, my first "Saturday Playlist".

"Putting the Dog to Sleep"- The Antlers

"Bear"- The Antlers
Dan and I went to see The Antlers in Chicago for his birthday during the summer and I can honestly say they were one of the best live bands I've ever seen. After being dubious of them at first I soon became mesmerized by Peter Silberman's soaring lead vocals and the strong dreamy synth. At the Chicago gig Silberman's voice was flawless and seemed to reach unreachable notes effortlessly. I was well and truly blown away.
On Thursday, The Antler's played The Academy in Dublin and Dan had sourced us free tickets through connections, cos he's real cool like that. I'd been looking forward to them all week but when they came on stage they were barely recognisable as the same band we'd seen a mere five months previously. Silberman's vocals were drowned by out of place and overused synth from Darby Cicci. Cicci was surrounded by a set up of at least three keyboards, footpedals, computer screens and a heap of wires coming from all directions. From behind this hi-tech barricade he attempted to dance as though synth was a guitar while making odd bird noises into the microphone.
All fond memories we had of them as a band were being well and truly ruined and we left after about five songs.
Although their Dublin gig was extremely disappointing, their two albums, Hospice and Burst Apart are still extremely enjoyable and I have taken a song from each to add to my playlist today.
The first is "Putting the Dog to Sleep". Even though the topic of the title is something that would usually make me cry, I fell in love with this song in Chicago and often find myself singing it to myself in my head as I walk along on my own. (that's keep shit). 
The second son I chose is "Bear". Pretty self explanatory really; I just like bears.

"My Love Took Me Down to The River (to silence me)"- Little Green Cars
Little Green Cars are the next big thing around Dublin these days. Once again Dan has a connection to them so I've seen them live twice now and each time I find it hard to believe how good they are at such a young age. If you haven't heard of them yet I'm sure you will soon but don't take my word for it, give them a listen and you'll soon be hooked.

"Porter's Love Song to a Chambermaid"- Fats Waller
Breaking away from the recent for this next choice. This is a song I've had on my iPod for years and was reminded of it the other day when someone mentioned porters. I love the music of the 20s; dingy little underground jazz bars, all flapper dresser and feather boas, wouldn't it just be swell to go back to those times? Smoking cigarettes from long holders and being able to pull off evening gloves without it having to be a themed night out or the like. People knew how to dress back then. Anyways, this is a music post and not a fashion post so I'll steer clear of getting side-tracked. This song is just a great ode to this era, as well as all of Waller's work really and if you're in the mood for something light and jazzy then you can't really go wrong.

"Superfast Jellyfish"- Gorrilaz
Another change of genre here with a song from the Gorillaz album "Plastic Beach", another album introduced to me by Dan (told you I was really crap at music). This whole album is great but I especially like this song, not sure why, I just do.

"Two Weeks"- Grizzly Bear
I think it was my brother who first told me about Grizzly Bear, but I can't really remember. I love this song though and I don't care if it's become a bit mainstream or overplayed.

"The Shining"- Badly Drawn Boy
This one is one of my own this time. Damon Gough (The Badly Drawn Boy) hails from Manchester and has a wonderful dreamlike quality to his music. This song I first heard in some film that I cannot for the life of me remember but when searching for it on the internet discovered that he also did the soundtrack to "About A Boy". Well worth a listen.

That's it for my Saturday playlist, I hope you enjoy and as I've said, most of my musical tastes are stolen from others, mainly Dan really, and I am in no way a music guru! I just sort liked the idea of a weekly playlist.

The Little Blonde Bear


  1. Little Green Cars are so good. I think I randomly saw them in a concert in my brother's school a million years ago. Too cool.

  2. Yeah they were in Michael's I think. I really hope they do well. Yer won's voice is incredible!
